756 Marketing Manager jobs near you
Marketing Manager

A Marketing Manager oversees all marketing activities to promote a company's products or services.

They develop strategic plans, coordinate campaigns, analyze market trends, manage budgets, and collaborate with cross-functional teams to effectively reach target audiences and drive business growth.

Marketing Manager Jobs

Find a job as a Marketing Manager

Do you want to learn more about the Job as a Marketing Manager? In our Job profile database you can find everything you need to know about responsibilities, salary, role and what qualifications are necessary.

Job titles for Marketing Manager

  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Brand Manager
  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Advertising Manager
  • Marketing Director
  • Product Manager
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Communications Manager
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Social Media Manager

Entry levels

As a Marketing Manager, you can find a job at different career levels. Here are the most common examples.

Job types

As a Marketing Manager, you have the opportunity to choose between different type of jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to find a Job as a Marketing Manager?

Find a job as a Marketing Manager through industry networking events, company websites' careers pages, professional forums, and attending marketing conferences. Alumni networks and mentorship programs can also provide leads.

How to get a job as a Marketing Manager?

To get a job as a Marketing Manager, gain relevant experience through internships or junior marketing roles. Develop skillsets in digital marketing, analytics, and strategic planning. Build a strong resume highlighting accomplishments and maintain an up-to-date LinkedIn profile to showcase your expertise.