CRM Manager: Job profile & Role

“CRM Manager” stands for Customer Relationship Manager – and this is exactly what this job is about. CRM Managers are responsible for managing and optimising the relationships of a company with their customers. This includes developing and implementing various systems that enhance the relationship of a company with its customers. Therefore, CRM Managers work closely with sales and marketing teams. To start a career as a CRM manager you are expected to hold at least a bachelor’s degree and possess a couple of years of relevant work experience. In this blog post, you will learn about the soft and hard skills that are required to be a successful CRM manager and find out how much you can expect to earn in this role.

Short Summary

  • CRM Managers are responsible for developing and implementing strategies and systems that ensure that the relationship between the company and the customers flourishes.
  • They require a wide range of skills including business acumen, project management skills, technical aptitude, and of course profound CRM system knowledge.
  • To successfully thrive in a career as a CRM manager you foremost need to communicate effectively, stay adaptable, and foster cross-functional collaboration.

Job description

The job of a CRM Manager is to develop and deepen the relationship that a company has with their customers. Their main responsibilities are to manage and optimise the company’s systems to enhance customer relationships and by this drive business growth. This includes developing CRM strategies, researching customers’ needs, and planning and executing marketing campaigns. Therefore, CRM Managers collaborate with sales and marketing teams, present campaigns to senior management, and more often than not lead a CRM project team of their own.


  • Developing of CRM strategies
  • Managing the CRM system
  • Planning and executing marketing campaigns
  • Analysing data
  • Generating reports and presenting them to senior management
  • Collaborating with marketing and sales teams
  • Leading their project management team
  • Researching market trends and customer needs

Different types of Brand Managers

  • CRM Strategy Managers
  • CRM Operations Managers
  • CRM Analytics Managers
  • CRM Campaign Managers
  • CRM Integration Managers
  • CRM Training and Adoption Managers


As a CRM manager, you can work in different industries and career levels. Therefore, your salary might vary depending on these aspects as well as the size of your company and your amount of work experience. On average CRM Managers can expect to earn between £40,000 and £85,000 per year.

On an entry-level with none or a maximum of three years of relevant work experience your salary is between £40,000 and £65,000. Senior CRM Managers with five or more years of experience can expect to earn up to £85,000. Some companies grant additional benefits, bonuses, and performance-based incentives that can increase your salary further.

Working hours

Typically, CRM Managers work regular office hours, which is between 35 to 40 hours per week. Usually, you will start your work at 9 am and work until 5 or 6 pm. However, this role makes it necessary to work additional hours or have some flexibility in the schedule to accommodate projects, and deadlines, or attend meetings.

Depending on the industry and the specifics of the job CRM Managers might have to be available during non-standard office hours. This could be the case if you were responsible for managing customer interactions or campaigns that require monitoring. Therefore, some companies offer their CRM Managers flexible working arrangements or remote options.


Throughout many industries, there is a growing awareness of the enormous value of good relationships with their customers. Therefore, CRM Managers are employed by various companies and in different industries. Depending on the industry CRM Managers are sought after in the area of b-to-b as well as b-to-c. Here, you find a few examples of the types of employers in the UK that have a demand for CRM Managers:

  • Retail and e-commerce: These companies often rely on CRM systems as this market is quite competitive. Therefore, these companies hire CRM Managers to optimise customer engagement, improve loyalty programs, and drive sales growth.
  • Hospitality and Travel Industry: Companies such as airlines, hotels and amusement parks utilize CRM systems to enhance the customers’ satisfaction. This way they improve the rate of repeat business and positive customer feedback.


To start a career as a CRM Manager you are expected to possess a combination of both education in a relevant area as well as a wide range of soft skills and work experience. Although there are no formal requirements for starting a career as a CRM Manager that are mandatory most employers will search for applicants that hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant area. In addition, you might opt for a specific CRM certificate.

The job as a CRM manager could be suitable for you if you have one or more of the following qualifications:


Job descriptions for CRM Managers vary profoundly depending on the industry and company that is hiring. Nevertheless, there are some skills that every CRM Manager needs to possess to fulfil the wide range of tasks that the role includes.

Is the CRM manager job a good fit for you? Typically, a controller should have or develop the following skills:

Business Acumen

As a CRM Manager, it is your responsibility to drive business growth through optimised customer relationships. Therefore, a CRM Manager is expected to possess strong business acumen. This includes a deep understanding of the target customers, their preferences, and their pain points. In addition, business acumen is related to financial awareness as well as knowledge of sales and marketing principles.

Communication Skills

CRM Managers need to collaborate with various stakeholders and more often than not lead their project team as well as convey information to both internal and external audiences. Therefore, every CRM Manager must possess profound communication skills. This includes verbal and written communication as well as excellent listening skills. Interpersonal skills are vital to navigating conflicts or challenging situations. Last but not least the wide range of communication skills that a CRM Manager should possess is the ability to persuade stakeholders and influence decision-making processes.

Strategic and Creative Thinking

CRM Managers create systems and campaigns through which the relationships with the company’s customers can be managed and optimised. To develop innovative approaches, drive customer engagement, and achieve business objectives it takes both, strategic and creative thinking. Here are some examples of strategic and creative thinking that is required to fulfil the tasks of a CRM Manager:

  • Developing customer journey maps
  • Identifying innovative technologies that can be used to tighten relationships with customers
  • Strategic thinking is crucial when strategies have to be adapted to overcome obstacles

Career Path

There are different routes into the career of a CRM Manager. Furthermore, you should keep in mind that the career path of a CRM Manager can be influenced by various factors. Nevertheless, more often than not employers expect applicants to hold some sort of a relevant degree and have gained some work experience in a custom-facing role. In addition, there is a wide set of soft skills that will help you to thrive in your career.

Educational Background

To start a career as a CRM Manager in the UK there are no formal qualifications that are mandatory. Nevertheless, sought-after applicants possess at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Many CRM Managers hold a bachelor’s degree in fields such as marketing, business administration, CRM, or communications. However, there might be companies that hire applicants with only a high school diploma. On the other hand, some companies expect applicants to possess a master’s degree.

Entry Level

Before starting your career as a CRM Manager you are expected to have gained work experience in a customer-facing role. Therefore, working as a customer service representative or sales professional gives you real-life experience of the needs of customers that you will need to fulfil the role of a CRM Manager. You might also consider taking up an entry-level job in sales or marketing to gain the necessary skills and understanding of customer relationship management.

Alternatively, you might consider gaining work experience through internships during your time at university. Some companies even provide special trainee programs that you can enter directly after finishing university and learn the business of CRM on the job.

Continuous Learning

To thrive in your career as a CRM manager you are expected to stay updated with both the latest trends and technologies in CRM and your industry. There are different ways to engage in life-long learning. This includes enrolling in online courses or certifications related to CRM management as well as reading industry publications. Some companies also offer internal training programs. By attending industry conferences and events you deepen your knowledge and at the same time build your professional network. If you are for a senior position in CRM management you might consider seeking out a mentor who has extensive experience in CRM management.   

A Day in the Life of a CRM Manager

The role of a CRM manager is all but mundane as it involves a multitude of responsibilities and tasks. Therefore, your work schedule can vary from day to day. However, some tasks will be on your schedule most of the days.

Planning and managing of campaigns

The core responsibility of a CRM manager is the planning and managing of campaigns that help to build and strengthen the company’s relationships with its customers. Effective planning and managing of campaigns involves several key steps and responsibilities. Among these steps are defining campaign objectives, identifying target audiences, developing the campaign strategy, and executing as well as monitoring the campaign.

Managing the team

As a CRM manager, it is part of your job to manage a cross-functional team. This involves various responsibilities and tasks to ensure that all members of your team work towards the successful performance of the CRM campaign. You achieve this by setting clear goals and expectations as well as providing guidance and support. It is crucial, and therefore part of your daily schedule, to maintain open lines of communication through one-on-one discussions and regular meetings.

Collaborating with Stakeholders

As a CRM manager, it is not only your responsibility to lead your team but also to collaborate with individuals or groups from within the company as well as external partners. A CRM manager must build solid relationships with stakeholders based on trust, open communication, and mutual respect. Therefore, it is one of your core responsibilities to actively involve stakeholders in the CRM process and address their needs.

Tips for Thriving as a CRM Manager

In this section, you will find out what it takes to successfully climb the career ladder in CRM management. As mentioned above, CRM managers are expected to not only hold a degree in a relevant field but enhance life-long learning as well. If you intend to climb the career ladder further you might consider the following tips:

  • Building Relationships
  • Deepen Communication Skills
  • Developing an open mindset

Building Relationships

Strong relationships with stakeholders are crucial for a thriving career in CRM management. A tightly connected network can only be achieved by working continuously on the building of your network. This takes both time and effort. You need to invest time to understand stakeholders’ needs and expectations. Make sure to seek feedback regularly and listen actively to suggestions and concerns. By investing in building strong relationships, you can foster a collaborative environment that will help you to thrive in your career.

Deepen Communication Skills

Communication is a crucial part of the role of every CRM manager. Therefore, deepening your communication skills is essential for effectively leading your team and engaging with stakeholders. You can improve your communication skills by practising active listening and learning how to adapt your communication style, depending on the different stakeholders you wish to address. You might also consider seeking advice from a professional communication trainer.

Developing an open Mindset

An open mindset is crucial for a CRM manager as it enables you to find new innovative attempts at CRM management. Developing an open mindset is an ongoing process that includes embracing curiosity, challenging assumptions, seeking diverse perspectives, and continuous learning. This can be achieved by surrounding yourself with people from different backgrounds and engaging in conversations with them. Stepping out of your comfort zone and making new experiences also helps to develop an open mindset.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a CRM manager earn?

The salary you earn as a CRM manager in the UK varies depending on factors such as the size and the industry of the company as well as the location of your employer. Your annual income also depends on your qualifications and your amount of relevant job experience. However, on average a CRM manager in the UK earns between £40,000 and £60,000. You should keep in mind that salaries at entry levels can be lower and the annual income at senior levels might be higher. Your salary might also be part of a bigger package. Especially on senior-levels salaries can be influenced by additional bonuses, benefits, and other compensation packages.

What qualifications do I need to become a CRM manager?

There are different ways to start a career as a CRM manager. Usually, employers expect applicants to possess a combination of education, relevant experience, and a certain set of skills. Most employers seek candidates who hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant area such as business administration, marketing, or communications. CRM knowledge including the specific software tools and data analysing techniques are also required. Furthermore, applicants are expected to have gained relevant work experience such as marketing coordinators, sales representatives, or customer service managers. Additionally, CRM managers need profound communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and analytical as well as technical skills.

What is the job of a CRM manager? 

The role of a CRM manager is a versatile job that involves a multitude of responsibilities and tasks. Generally speaking, the job of a CRM manager is about developing, overseeing and managing the company’s customer relationship management strategy and systems. This involves analysing customer data to gain insight into customer behaviour, preferences, and trends. Based on that you will develop and implement a CRM strategy that is aligned with the institution’s goals and objectives. This role also involves leading a cross-functional team and working closely with stakeholders.

Is the career as a CRM manager a good job?

The role of a CRM manager is all but mundane. Therefore, it includes a multitude of responsibilities and tasks. For someone, who is passionate about customer relationship management, enjoys working with a cross-functional team, and is willing to work overtime when necessary the role of a CRM manager can be rewarding and fulfilling. The average salary of a CRM manager is about
£50,000 which is about £10,000 over the annual median average in the UK. Therefore, the job of a CRM manager is well-paid. However, you might keep in mind that applicants more often than not are expected to hold at least a bachelor’s degree and have gained relevant work experience before starting a career as a CRM manager.