88 Personal Shopper jobs near you

Personal Shopper Jobs

Find a job as a Personal Shopper

Do you want to learn more about the Job as a Personal Shopper? In our Job profile database you can find everything you need to know about responsibilities, salary, role and what qualifications are necessary.

Job titles for Personal Shopper

  • Fashion Consultant
  • Personal Stylist
  • Wardrobe Curator
  • Image Consultant
  • Style Advisor
  • Boutique Shopper
  • Fashion Shopper
  • Shopping Assistant
  • Luxury Shopper
  • Professional Retailer

Search category

Typically, the Personal Shopper job is suitable for different candidates in the following search categories.

Job types

As a Personal Shopper, you have the opportunity to choose between different type of jobs.

Jobs similar to a Personal Shopper

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to find a Job as a Personal Shopper?

Finding a job as a Personal Shopper can be done through retail company career pages, specialized fashion job portals, and networking events within the fashion and retail industries.

How to get a job as a Personal Shopper?

To get a job as a Personal Shopper, gain experience in retail or fashion, develop strong interpersonal and customer service skills, stay informed on fashion trends, and consider obtaining a certification in personal shopping or fashion styling.