IT Project Manager: Job profile & Role

An IT project manager is a highly specialised project manager who focuses on technical projects. Their main responsibility is planning, executing, and supervising information technology projects. This role also includes aspects such as timeline management, budget management, and documentation. IT project managers can work in all sorts of industries. In this blog post, you will learn about the hard and soft skills that are required to start a career as an IT project manager. You will also find out what the salary of an IT project manager is and what you can do to thrive in this role.

Short Summary

  • IT project managers are responsible for overseeing the entire lifecycle of an IT project. This includes the planning, the execution, and the closure of the project.
  • IT project managers require a well-rounded set of skills that include technical expertise, communication as well as problem-solving skills, and strong leadership skills.
  • To thrive in the field of IT project management you need to build relationships, keep up to date on new technologies, and embrace adaptability.

Job description

The role of an IT project manager is the end-to-end management of an IT project. Therefore, you will be responsible for planning, executing, and closing technology projects within an institution. This includes various aspects such as developing comprehensive project plans, managing cross-functional teams, managing the budget and timelines of the project, and engaging with various stakeholders. As IT project managers work in all sorts of industries and companies of different sizes the specific details and the set of tasks may vary. Although, this is a general job description it might give you a good impression of what the role of an IT project manager is like.


  • Developing project plans
  • End-to-end management of IT projects
  • Communicating with stakeholders
  • Controlling project budgets and deadlines
  • Managing risks and solving problems
  • Monitoring projects and establishing quality assurance processes
  • Overseeing compliances and governance
  • Researching the market and new technologies
  • Leading cross-functional teams

Different types of IT Project Managers

  • Infrastructure Project Manager
  • Software Project Manager
  • Security Project Manager
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Project Manager


The salary of an IT project manager in the UK depends on various factors. Foremost, the salary depends on the specific type of IT project management you work in and the industry you work for. Salaries more often than not are subject to your educational background, your amount of work experience, and the size and location of the company you work for.

On average an IT project manager earns between £45,000 and £75,000 each year. Additions cash compensations range between £3,000 and £11,000 per year. On an entry-level, you might expect to earn about £35,000 each year. On a senior level, IT project managers can achieve an annual salary of £100,000.

IT project managers can also work on a freelance basis. Then, you would have to negotiate a daily rate for the duration of your contract. Average daily rates are usually between £300 and £500.

Working hours

The position of an IT project manager is an office job. Therefore, you can expect to work between 37 and 40 hours per week. Nevertheless, the working hours of IT project managers depend on various factors such as the nature of the specific project, the project deadlines, and the company’s policies.

Standard working hours for IT project managers are from 9 am to 5 pm. However, as every project manager IT project managers should expect to work flexible hours if necessary. During critical project phases, you will also be required to work overtime and you might even be on call to address urgent issues that arise outside of regular working hours.


IT project managers are highly sought-after experts. They are employed by companies from more or less all industries there are in the UK. However, in sectors such as technology, finance, healthcare, consulting, and telecommunication the demand for IT project managers is very high and might still grow.

Here, you find a few examples of companies in these industries, that employ a great share of IT project managers:

– IT consulting companies: Accenture, Capgemini, and PwC

– Technology and software companies: Amazon, IBM, and SAP

– Telecommunication companies: BT Group, Sky, and Vodafone


Although there are no formal qualifications required that are mandatory to start a career as an IT project manager most companies expect applicants to hold a relevant degree, further specialised certificates, and work experience. The specific qualifications that are required vary depending on the industry, the company, and the nature of the project itself.

You can enter a career in IT project management in different ways: As mentioned before, IT project managers usually are expected to hold at least a bachelor’s degree or even a master’s degree. Alternatively, you might start your career as an IT project manager through an apprenticeship such as an associate project manager level 4 higher apprenticeship or a digital and technology solutions professional level 6 degree apprenticeship.

The job as an IT project manager could be suitable for you if you have one or more of the following qualifications:


The role of an IT project manager includes both profound technical tasks and general project management responsibilities. Therefore, IT project managers need to possess a wide range of skills to carry out the multitude of different tasks their role involves.

Is the IT project manager’s job a good fit for you? Typically, an IT project manager should have or develop the following skills:

Visionary Thinking

It is part of the role of an IT project manager to foresee the future state of technology, understand its impacts on the company, and strategically plan IT projects accordingly. Visionary thinking in the context of IT project management includes the ability for strategic alignment and long-term planning. IT project managers also need the ability to embrace emerging technologies and develop future-proofing solutions. This way they help positioning their company for future success in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is integral to the success of IT projects. The role of an IT project manager includes a multitude of complex tasks such as project execution, minimizing risks, ensuring quality, and meeting the expectations of stakeholders and clients. Attention to detail is a cognitive skill that includes a set of skills such as the ability to carefully examine information or situations to identify inconsistencies and nuances. Furthermore, attention to detail is about being observant and aware of changes and discrepancies.

Communication Skills

An IT project manager leads cross-functional teams, interacts with various stakeholders, and reports to senior management. Therefore, they need profound verbal and written communication skills. Communication skills also include the ability to convey thoughts and information, share them appropriately and clearly, and listen effectively to others.

Career Path

There is no such thing as the only career path of an IT project manager. Depending on the specific field of IT project management and the industry you work for your career path might vary. Nevertheless, there are some steps on your way up the career ladder in IT project management that are crucial.

Educational Background

As mentioned above, there are no mandatory requirements to possess a university degree to start a career as an IT project manager. Nevertheless, most companies prefer applicants who hold at least a bachelor’s or even a master’s degree in a relevant field such as technology, computer science, business administration, or project management. An alternative way to get into this role is through a level 4 or level 5 apprenticeship. You might also qualify through specialised courses that are focused on the IT sector.

Entry Level

Employers mostly prefer applicants with a couple of years of relevant work experience. Therefore, you might start your career through a junior position in marketing or an IT department. On an entry-level IT project managers are usually responsible for only one project at a time. When you have gained further experience you will lead either more complex projects or several projects at the same time.

Alternatively, you can gain work experience through internships. Some companies also offer special trainee programs for IT project managers. In these programs, you learn how to manage an IT project on the job.

Continuous Learning

As an IT project manager, you are expected to commit to continuous learning. This includes both new software tools and technologies as well as project management know-how. In the lifelong process of continuous learning IT project managers might pursue earning an additional master’s degree or certifications in specific fields. Participating in workshops and training is another approach to acquiring new knowledge.

Continuous learning also includes self-directed learning through reading and research as well as taking advantage of online courses and tutorials. Mentorship programs and networking are additional ways to embrace lifelong learning.

A Day in the Life of an IT Project Manager

The specific work schedule of an IT project manager depends on the nature of the project they work on and the industry their company is a part of. However, you will be responsible for a wide range of tasks that include project planning and execution, interacting with cross-functional teams, and monitoring the overall budget and timeline.

In the following sections, you will learn about the core responsibilities that will be part of your schedule more or less every day.

Planning and Implementing of IT Projects

As an IT project manager, you are responsible for the whole life cycle of an IT project. This includes the developing of comprehensive project plans and outlining tasks, timelines, and resource requirements. It will also be part of your job to define project scope, objectives, and deliverables in collaboration with stakeholders.

As you are responsible for the end-to-end process of your project the planning also involves ensuring that the project adheres to relevant industry standards, regulations, and compliance requirements.

Leading Cross-Functional Teams

IT project teams are usually cross-functional teams. They typically consist of a diverse group of experts with specialised skills to ensure the successful outcome of the project. The composition of an IT project team is of course based on the nature of the specific project. However, in a common IT project team, there will be experts such as business analysts, developers, security specialists, change management, and quality assurance analysts. It is the responsibility of the IT project manager to guide, inspire, and influence each team member individually.

Management of Timelines and Budgets

It is the IT project manager’s responsibility to oversee and manage both the deadlines and the budget of the entire project. Therefore, it is part of your day-to-day work to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and monitor project expenditures. You will also monitor timelines and milestones to ensure that deadlines at met.

Tips for Thriving as an IT Project Manager

To successfully climb the career ladder in IT project management it takes a combination of technical expertise, leadership, and a profound understanding of the industry and business landscape. In this section, you will find out what else you can do to thrive in your career. Here, we will dive deeper into the three most important tips on how to build a successful career in IT project management.

  • Building Relationships
  • Focussing on communication skills
  • Embracing Adaptability

Building Relationships

IT project managers interact with their team members, stakeholders, and senior management as well as clients and external partners and experts. Therefore, every IT project manager should build a solid and reliable network. By fostering a collaborative culture in your team. Each team member will feel valued and encouraged. To build relationships within the company and beyond you have to establish trust by being committed to reliability and transparency.

Focussing on communication skills

Possessing profound communication skills is crucial for an IT project manager as meetings, negotiations, and presentations make a huge part of this job. Strong communication skills include a wide variety of key components such as verbal and non-verbal communication, written communication, and presentation skills. To improve your communication skills you might focus and aspects as interpersonal skills, conflict management or feedback and constructive criticism.

Embracing Adaptability

IT project managers work in an extremely fast-moving industry. Therefore, embracing adaptability is a crucial mindset as it allows them to navigate uncertainty, respond effectively, and ensure their team members and stakeholders in critical situations. Embracing adaptability is about cultivating a growth mindset which includes the openness to continuous learning and viewing failure positively. A certain flexibility in thinking also enables you to approach tasks with creativity and the willingness to try out new solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an IT project manager earn?

In income you can expect to earn as an IT project manager in the UK can vary depending on various factors. However, on average the annual income of an IT project manager is between £40,000 and £80,000. You should keep in mind that some companies pay only around £30,000 for entry levels. On the other hand, there are job opportunities for IT project managers at senior levels that provide you with an annual income of up to £150,000.

Several factors have an impact on the salary that an IT project manager is paid such as the size of the company, the nature of the project, and the industry you work for. You can also increase your income by investing in your education. You might consider doing further training or getting specialised certifications.

What qualifications do I need to become an IT project manager?

There are different ways to start a career in IT project management. However, in most cases, it takes a combination of education, professional experience, and relevant skills. Although there are no formal requirements mandatory to apply for a role in IT project management most employers expect applicants to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as computer science, information technology, project management, or business information systems. In addition, sought-after applicants possess at least two years of relevant work experience. Furthermore, IT project managers are expected to possess strong communication skills, and leadership skills and embrace life-long learning.

What is the job of an IT project manager? 

The role of an IT project manager is the specialised version of a project manager. IT project managers are responsible for technical projects. Therefore, the tasks of an IT project manager include both project management and IT development. This role involves coordinating various elements of a project, including personnel, resources, deadlines, and budgets. There are various aspects to this job such as team leading, stakeholder communication, and negotiating contracts. IT project management is also about maintaining accurate and up-to-date project documentation and reporting regular progress to senior management.

How long will it take to become an IT project manager in the UK?

As there are different routes you can take to start this role the time it takes to become an IT project manager can vary. If you choose the educational path by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in a relevant area this typically takes around three to four years. Afterwards, you are expected to gain around two relevant work experiences before you can successfully start your career as an IT project manager.