530 Delivery Driver jobs near you
Delivery Driver

A delivery driver is responsible for transporting goods or merchandise from one location to another.

They operate vehicles such as trucks, vans, or motorcycles to ensure the safe and timely delivery of packages or food orders.

They may also interact with customers and handle paperwork or documentation related to deliveries.

Delivery Driver Jobs

Find a job as a Delivery Driver

Do you want to learn more about the Job as a Delivery Driver? In our Job profile database you can find everything you need to know about responsibilities, salary, role and what qualifications are necessary.

Job titles for Delivery Driver

  • Courier
  • Package delivery specialist
  • Express delivery operator
  • Logistics coordinator
  • Route driver
  • Parcel delivery associate
  • Shipping and delivery agent
  • Transportation specialist
  • Dispatch driver
  • Order delivery associate

Entry levels

As a Delivery Driver, you can find a job at different career levels. Here are the most common examples.

Search category

Typically, the Delivery Driver job is suitable for different candidates in the following search categories.

Job types

As a Delivery Driver, you have the opportunity to choose between different type of jobs.

Jobs similar to a Delivery Driver

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to find a Job as a Delivery Driver?

Finding a job as a Delivery Driver can be done through local delivery service companies' websites, classified ads in newspapers, community boards, and generic job search platforms. Networking with people in the industry and attending job fairs can also offer opportunities.

How to get a job as a Delivery Driver?

To get a job as a Delivery Driver, obtain a valid driver's license appropriate for the vehicle type. Gain driving experience and maintain a clean driving record. Enhance your resume with any relevant experience and certifications, then apply to openings. Preparing for interviews by understanding the role and its safety procedures is also crucial.